API Functions

Get started with built-in helper API functions

About API Functions

If you are using the native Sass implementation of Uniform, you get access to useful helper functions that allow you to directly access theme variable values. This can be particularly useful when extracting components.

How they work

Behind the scenes, all default and user-defined theme settings such as colors, sizes, and font values are merged and enclosed inside thee $config map. API functions essentially act as a get function that interacts with this map to pull theme values.

// Example custom element
.element {
margin-bottom: size(40);
padding: size(20, 24);
background: fill(blue-500);
font-size: font(xl);
font-weight: font(semibold);
line-height: leading(looser);

// Example custom loop using map
@each $breakpoint, $breakpoint-value in breakpoints() {
// for each breakpoint, do the following

@each $fill, $fill-value in fills() {
// for each fill, do the following

Screen Functions

The screen() function fetches values from the screen map provided an existing variant is passed in as a parameter. screens() function fetches the entire map, useful for looping.

For more information on breakpoints, visit media queries.

@media (min-width: screen(lg)) {

// Will pull the following pixel value in your compiled css
@media (min-width: 1280px) {
@each $breakpoint, $breakpoint-value in screens() {
// for each breakpoint, do the following

Fill Functions

There are two color helper functions available. The fill() function fetches values from the colors and the gradient() function fetches values from the gradients map provided an existing variant is passed in as a parameter.

.element {
background-color: fill(gray-500);

.element {
background: gradient(gradient-x-from-white);

Controlling Fill Opacity

You can also pass a second argument to the fill() function to control opacity.

// main.scss
.element {
background-color: fill(red-500, 0.5);
/* main.css */
.element {
background-color: rgba(var(--red-500), 0.5);

Size Functions

The size() function fetches values from both positive and negative sizes.

.element {
margin: size(n24); // -1.5rem (-24px)
width: size(32); // 2rem (32px)

The size() function can also accept multiple arguments for joint sizing units for shorthand properties.

.element {
padding: size(24, 32); // 1.5rem 2rem

When pluralized, the sizes() function fetches all the sizes. By default, the sizes function will return both positive and negative sizes.

@each $size, $size-value in sizes() {
// for each size, do the following

You can also return positive or negative sizes only with positive-sizes() and negative-sizes() functions.

@each $positive-size, $positive-size-value in positive-sizes() {
// for each size, do the following

@each $positive-size, $positive-size-value in positive-sizes() {
// for each size, do the following

For more information on sizing, visit sizing system.

Shadows Functions

The shadow() function fetches values from the shadows map. The shadows() function fetches the entire map.

.element {
box-shadow: shadow(sm);
@each $shadow, $shadow-value in shadows() {
// for each shadow, do the following

Typography Functions

Uniform provides various functions to pull values from font related maps such as font-sizes and font-families.

Font Family

The font-family() function fetches values from the font-families map. When pluralized, the font-families() function fetches the entire map.

.element {
font-family: font-family(sans);
@each $font-family, $font-family-value in font-families() {
// for each font-family, do the following

Font Size

The font() function fetches values from the font-sizes. When pluralized, the font-sizes() function fetches the entire map.

.element {
font-size: font(xl);
@each $font-size, $font-size-value in font-sizes() {
// for each font-size, do the following

Font Weight

The font() function fetches values from the font-weights map. When pluralized, the font-weights() function fetches the entire map.

.element {
font-weight: font(bold);
@each $font-weight, $font-weight-value in font-weights() {
// for each font-weight, do the following

Line Height

The leading() function fetches values from the leadings map. When pluralized, the leadings() function fetches the entire map.

.element {
line-height: leading(loose);
@each $leading, $leading-value in leadings() {
// for each leading, do the following

Letter Spacing

The tracking() function fetches values from the trackings map. When pluralized, the trackings() function fetches the entire map.

.element {
letter-spacing: tracking(loose);
@each $tracking, $tracking-value in trackings() {
// for each tracking, do the following

Font Shorthand

For font-family, font-size, font-weight properties, you can fetch values simply with the font() shorthand.

.element {
font-family: font(sans);
font-size: font(xl);
font-weight: font(bold);

Radius Functions

The radius() function fetches values from the radiuses map. When pluralized the radiuses() function fetches the entire map.

.element {
letter-spacing: radius(xl);
@each $radius, $radius-value in radiuses() {
// for each radius, do the following

Other Helper Functions

In Additional to theme functions, Uniform also provides generic helper functions to help you perform certain tasks more easily.

Rem Function

The rem() function allows you easily convert a pixel value into a rem value.

.element {
font-size: rem(18); // this will convert 18px to rem