
Customize breakpoints for all responsive properties


By default, all properties that have the responsive setting enabled will generate a screen specific variants for each breakpoint. Breakpoint settings are defined as screens in your configuration and these can be both overwritten or extended.

Breakpoint Variant Chart

By default, there are 3 breakpoints. The following default breakpoint configurations are applied.

@use "uniform" as * with (
$config: (
screens: (
sm: 768px,
md: 1024px,
lg: 1280px

Basic Usage

To apply breakpoint specific utilities, append the target screen with the utility class name. Responsive properties are designed to be mobile-first, this means the smaller screen breakpoints will cascade upwards unless specified otherwise.

<div class="h-10 sm.h-14 md.h-20 lg.h-24">
10px height on mobile
14px height on small screen sizes
20px height on medium screen sizes
24px height on large screen sizes

Breakpoint Delimiter

By default, Uniform uses the . character to separate the breakpoints from the property. You can override the default breakpoint delimiter by defining screen-delimiter in your configuration.

// main.scss
@use "uniform" as * with (
$config: (
screen-delimiter: '__',
/* main.css */
@media (min-width: 1024px) {
.sm__block {
display: block;
.sm__flex {
display: flex;

Enabling Responsiveness

By design, Uniform only enables responsiveness to a subset of CSS properties. You can enable responsiveness by passing responsive: true to each property setting in your configuration. To see which properties are responsive, please refer to the API Reference.

@use "uniform" as * with (
$config: (
utilities: (
letter-spacing: ( responsive: true ),
list-style-type: ( responsive: true ),
color-transform: ( responsive: true )

Extending Breakpoints

You can change the number of breakpoints and even change their min-width values by passing in your own key value pairs to the screens setting in your configuration.

@use "uniform" as * with (
$config: (
screens: (
xl: 1400px
/* main.css */
@media (min-width: 1400px) {
.xl\.block {
display: block;
.xl\.flex {
display: flex;

Overriding Existing Breakpoints

You can replace existing breakpoints by overriding existing keys in the screens setting of your configuration.

@use "uniform" as * with (
$config: (
screens: (
md: 1440px
/* main.css */
@media (min-width: 1440px) {
.md\.block {
display: block;
.md\.flex {
display: flex;