
Learn how to install and get started with Uniform CSS.

Getting up and running

Uniform is super easy to get started and setup, all you need to do is add Uniform as a module to your .scss project or use the precompiled .css file. You can get started using the following ways:

  1. Use npm to install the Uniform package.
  2. Use the jsDelivr CDN to link directly to the Uniform stylesheet.
  3. Clone or download the project directly from the GitHub repository.

Please note, Uniform CSS features newer Sass functionality and therefore require dart-sass version 1.33.0 and up to compile correctly.

Install via Clone

1. Clone the repository

Clone the Uniform CSS in the same directory as your main main.scss file.

# Change directory to where your main sass file lives
cd my-project/sass/

# Clone project
git clone

2. Include Uniform module in your Sass project

Add the following line to your main .scss stylesheet to add Uniform in your project.

// main.scss
@use "uniform" as *;

3. Compile and watch for changes

Compile your Sass project using your preferred CSS preprocessor. Optionally, the Uniform package.json provides useful build scripts you can run to compile and watch Sass. For more information please check out the build scripts page.

yarn uniform

4. Configure Uniform (optional)

Optionally, you can customize Uniform directly in your .scss stylesheet. For more information, visit configuration.

// main.scss
@use "uniform" as * with (
$config: (
important: true,
prefix: myProject,
colors: (
custom-color-1: red,
custom-color-2: blue

5. Add compiled stylesheet

Import the compiled stylesheet to your <head> inside your html and you will now have access to all the Uniform goodness.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="uniform.css" />

If you're unfamiliar with the @use rule or configuring modules in this way, you can learn more about the new Sass module system here.

Install via NPM

1. Clone or install Uniform CSS

If you have Node.js installed, you can load Uniform as a dependency.

# Install Uniform and its dependencies
npm install uniformcss

2. Include Uniform module in your Sass project

Add the following line to your main .scss stylesheet to add Uniform in your project.

@use "uniform" as *;

3. Compile and watch for changes

Compile your Sass project using your preferred Sass build process. Optionally, you can run the following command to build Uniform using the Dart Sass CLI. For more information on Dart Sass CLI visit the Official Sass Docs.

sass --load-path=./node_modules/uniformcss --watch main.scss dist/uniform.min.css --style compressed

If your uniformcss package is in a custom location, edit the --load-path path to allow Sass to find your stylesheet. For more information on load paths, visit Dart Sass Command Line Interface.

Install via CDN

For a even quicker way to get started, simply add the following stylesheet in the head of your project.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

Unlike the native installation, using the pre-compiled version will only allow for limited customizations, you will not get access to more advanced customization options such as prefixing and custom variants.